An Adventure!
Adventure? Who doesn’t like adventure?! As dogs, our noses are always ready for new smells and our eyes are open to meet new furry friends. This weekend we are off to visit Plantation Florida, where our parents lived before we came into the picture. Come explore with us! Let the adventure begin!
We know something is up when the leashes come out and we hear “Want to go for a car ride?”. Also, it’s nice that mom packs us snacks for the day’s outing and we love to drink from our cool water bottle. Thank you PetNF for sending us this awesome gift!
Plantation Florida City Hall
There is never a dull moment on the car ride with catching new sights out the window and new smells coming through the vents. When we arrived in Plantation Florida, our first stop was City Hall. When we drove up to it, we thought we were visiting the White House. You can tell this place has some history with the colonial white columns, brick walls and clock steeple.
The bronze engraved plaques on the wall told us the city was founded in 1956 and this building was constructed in 1973. It was nice to walk around the fountain garden in the center court and get some good sniffs. We were on the lookout to make sure we didn’t get too close and get wet. However, this would have been a great day for a swim since it was so HOT!!!
The Adventure In Plantation Florida Continues…
Before we knew it, we were back in the car with cool A/C and on our way to the next location. When we pulled up to the Plantation Fire Rescue Station, we were both very excited. Look out! Fun zone ahead! We hoped to get to ride in a fire truck but unfortunately not today. We did however get to see one up close. It was so cool!!
We also visited a beautiful firefighter memorial in honor of those who gave up their lives to save others. We got to see a piece of the wreckage from September 11. It was a solemn reminder of the many lives lost that sad day. We honor their lives by remembering them and their loved ones left behind.
As we continued to walk, our noses were leading us to the next location which was behind the fire station. The scenery was so inviting as we walked along a canal with lots of trees providing us shade from the hot sun. It was a nice surprise to look up and see a furry friend up in the tree.
As we turned our heads, we caught a glimpse of a bridge leading to the other side of another canal. We just had to see what was on the other side of the bridge so we picked up our pace as the need to explore some more was calling us. Once on the other side, we were greeted with a lush green park with winding walking paths and benches to relax and take in the sights.
This day was so much fun! This bridge transported us into a park that looked like a picture in a fairy tale. As we headed out, we were excited to cross that cool bridge again and look out on the beautiful canal!
Be sure to watch the video to see our entire adventure in Plantation Florida!
Until the next adventure, it is a BIG world out there so keep sniffing!
Watch The Video

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