We have placed ads on our site to help support our efforts to bring you the best Basenji content we can. We have tried to place the ads in the least disruptive way we can.

We apologize if you hate ads – we hate them too! But think of it as an opportunity to support us even more. We appreciate you and would never want to frustrate you.

How Ads Support Us

Any revenue generated by ads placed on our site may be used to support Zinga and Zulu, and our online presence in the following ways:

  • Food
  • Toys
  • Treats
  • Supplies
  • Web Hosting
  • Promotional Items
  • Advertising

The list could go on. We appreciate your support whether you visit an advertiser site, or watch our YouTube videos, or even if you just read our blog articles to learn more about Basenjis. We’re here to share our love for the breed!

Our YouTube Channel

Did you know we have lots of videos on our YouTube Channel? We feature many topics, ranging from day to day life, to amazing adventures we have been on! Our videos will help you understand more about Basenjis, and we hope you’ll stop by to get more information on this amazing dog breed!

Got Questions? We’re here to help!

Email:  info@basenjiadventures.com