Ginger Snap – Our First Basenji Puppy

Once you’ve had one Basenji, you soon discover that one is not enough. We decided to get a sister for Graham Cracker, and we found the most adorable puppy when we found Ginger Snap. When we first visited the breeder, she was too young to leave her mother, so we had to wait till she was weaned before we could take her home.
Unique Marking
Ginger Snap had a very unique marking on the back of her neck – an almost perfect circle of brown fur surrounded by white. We fell in love with that feature immediately. It made her stand out among her siblings, and we were so happy that we were going to be able to give her a loving, caring home.

Ginger Snap – A Bundle Of Joy

Ginger Snap was such a little bundle of joy! Finally, we got to bring her home. It was a brand new experience for all of us, and it took some time to adjust. Puppies don’t exactly just fall into the routine that you have established. We had to adjust our lives around her, and it was tough! But each of us, including Graham Cracker, grew accustomed to our new little fur ball.
So Many Stairs
Having a puppy and living on the third floor of an apartment is not a good combination. Puppies need to go out several times a day, and that meant a lot of steps. We got great leg and cardio workouts for a few months! But then, we finally got a house, and Graham and Ginger at last had a backyard to run and play in!

Fun Times
Once Graham got used to Ginger, she brought him a lot of joy, because he got to play like a puppy again.
Our YouTube Channel
Did you know we have lots of videos on our YouTube Channel? We feature many topics, ranging from day to day life, to amazing adventures we have been on! Our videos will help you understand more about Basenjis, and we hope you’ll stop by to get more information on this amazing dog breed!
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